Cyber criminals choose to falsify email addresses, websites and other online entities that most people know. This reduces the level of doubt and suspicion, allowing us to take advantage of the human nature of trust. The domain name system is designed to allow an extra layer of security every time visitors visit your website. DNS verification assures users that the displayed URL actually belongs to the website they want to visit.

Unless they carefully inspect the header, email recipients assume that the forged sender has sent the message. IP identity theft or imitation of IP addresses is the creation or modification of Internet Protocol packages to hide the digital identity of cyber criminals. It is used regularly when starting DDOS attacks to undermine a hosting server. The targeted server and the websites that host slow down because they cannot handle peak traffic.

Identity impersonation at DNS or IP address level differs from phishing in that it uses technical methods to mislead a computer or system. For example, deleting typographic errors is a kind of phishing attack that uses common errors people make when entering URLs to make them think they are visiting the intended website. Spoofing tracing a spoofed phone number is a cybercrime that occurs when someone pretends to be a trusted contact or brand and pretends to be someone they trust to access confidential personal information. Identity impersonation attacks copy and exploit the identity of your contacts, the appearance of well-known brands or the addresses of trusted websites.

The DNS impersonation, also known as DNS cache poisoning, is an attack that uses modified DNS records to redirect online traffic to a fake website similar to its intended destination. Spoofers achieve this by replacing the IP addresses stored on the DNS server that hackers want to use. For companies, phishing attacks can sometimes lead to ransomware attacks or harmful and costly data breaches. Also known as SMS phishing, scammers use this social engineering vector to send text messages on behalf of another person or company you are dating. The logic of the attack is about misrepresenting the sender’s ID or phone number so they think the text message comes from a trusted person or organization. The SMS generally contains instructions to follow a link (he guessed it, a malicious one), which is used as a phishing launch pad.

When the victim tries to defend his resources at the specified location, another malicious attack takes place on the attacker’s originally intended (non-counterfeit) target. A crook is involved in man attacks in the middle who makes a fraudulent copy of an existing Wi-Fi network to steal or check a victim’s data. Communication between the sender and the original recipient is intercepted by the fraudulent IP address and can be changed without the knowledge of either party. The new communication may contain malware or suspicious links that the scammer entered in the original email package.

By admin