Aside from the negative effects of night screens, video games give people more control over their dreams and reduce nightmares, according to psychological research from Grant MacEwan University in Canada, described in The main difference the researchers found was that participants found video games much more motivating and fun than traditional exercises. The game element of earning points, earning badges, and being rewarded for effort also helped participants to repeat the exercise and try to improve their performance over time. We’ve remained friends with Xbox LIVE over the years, along with the other players I’ve met. In fact, a study by researchers at the University of Iowa showed that playing video games can do just that. With over 40 years of experience in the industry, we know a lot about buying, selling and marketing video games and electronics.
There are many misconceptions about video games and the impact they have on mental health. The truth is that video games have many benefits, including developing complex problem-solving skills and promoting social interaction through online gaming. Video games can be a great way to stimulate your mind and improve your mental health. Playing video games can also help children develop problem-solving skills, the authors said. The more teens reported playing strategic video games, such as role-playing, the more they improved in problem-solving and school grades the following year, according to a long-term study published in 2013.
One group played 50 hours of the action-packed first-person shooters ‘Call of Duty 2’ and ‘Unreal Tournament’, and the other group played 50 hours of the simulator game ‘The Sims 2’. Action game players were 25% faster at deciding on a non-video game task, without sacrificing accuracy. An increase in mobile gaming on a range of new and improved mobile devices optimised for gaming means gaming is now more accessible than ever. Regardless of the gaming platform (mobile, computer, console, augmented reality 꽁머니 홍보방 or other devices), video games produce the best mental health outcomes for mental health when children participate in moderation. With the right time spent on schoolwork, socialization, dinner time, and other fundamental aspects of a child’s day, moderate participation in video games can provide benefits without negative consequences. If video games turn out to be negative and can affect psychological well-being, we can expect more positive aspects for mental health that video gamers experience.
Fortunately for gamers like us, there are many benefits to playing video games that encourage you to keep playing, as if you need another reason. In other words, playing video games forces players to deeply stimulate multiple different areas of their brains, leading to the development of a large handful of different useful tasks and dimensions of thinking. Growing up, my grandfather used to say, “You don’t feel too close to TV. You’re going to hurt your eyes!” As it seems, researchers say that when it comes to gaming, this may not be the case. Many studies have shown that playing video games in moderation helps improve the eye’s ability to distinguish color. Data were independently extracted by two researchers who were different from those of the studies.
When faced with a complex environment of competitive stimuli, your brain creates a perceptual template that helps you determine what’s important and what’s not. According to a 2014 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, playing action video games can improve a person’s ability to create perceptual templates. This type of improvement in perception is especially beneficial, since it is not task-specific, but can be applied to any situation. When you need to juggle multiple tasks and goals while navigating a virtual space, practice your hippocampus. This is the part of the brain responsible for converting short-term memory into long-term memory, as well as controlling spatial memory. When you keep your hippocampus in shape, you’ll see better long-term memory and be better at navigating physical space.