Why Do We Need Water Plants?



Water plants are extremely useful for the health of your pond or aquarium. They are also an undervalued part of freshwater ecosystems. Many people do not like these plants in their fishing pits, but they do not know that aquatic plants play a very important role in the reservoir. Some of the benefits are listed below.

Habitat: Aquatic plants provide space for small aquatic animals, crustaceans and snails. These insects, in turn, are eaten by fish and waterfowl. This allows the food chain to continue.

Food: Aquatic plants are the food of many animals and birds, such as ducks and geese. They usually feed on seeds and tubing plants. In the past, even humans used these aquatic plants for food. Edible roots, shoots and even pollen were used to make cookies. Native Americans have a delicacy called duck potatoes, which is an edible Arrowheads tuber.

The roots and shoots of aquatic plants can sometimes be medicinal, and sometimes they can be used for salads and side dishes.

Shelter: Amphibians and young fish use aquatic plants to hide from predatory fish. They give them enough foliage to protect themselves and not become food for larger fish. These plants are ideal for growing babies because they not only have a protective cover, but also are a source of food for them.

Nutrient cycles: Aquatic plants play an important role in complex chemical cycles of the body of water. They affect the oxygen content in the water. They have recently hit the headlines because of their ability to absorb pollutants from highly contaminated water. They use nutrients to improve water transparency. Scientists are trying to develop ways to use them as water quality indicators.

Anti-erosion: Emerging plants protect the coast from erosion. They also help stabilize sediment, which can increase water transparency.

If you can’t wait to grow aquatic plants, call Greenleaf Systems Ltd in Liverpool as they specialise in hydroponics and organic farming.


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